Your Mercedes is a fine-tuned machine. When something goes wrong, it ultimately affects the entire system. Your Mercedes has a coolant reservoir where the coolant is stored. This plastic reservoir is mounted in the engine bay and plays a very important role in your car’s operation. Coolant is needed to manage the temperature of your engine. The coolant reservoir allows the cycle of expelling and absorbing coolant to continue as the engine warms and cools.

The cycle is crucial as if your engine is cold, it needs more coolant and when it is warm it needs less. The coolant reservoir helps respond when the pressure of the cooling system changes so your engine maintains optimum temperatures. As a result, it can function properly. Since your cooling system is required for engine safety, you want to be aware of any issues that can cause engine failure. Here we share common signs the coolant reservoir in your Mercedes is failing.

How Does the Coolant Reservoir Work?

The coolant reservoir in your Mercedes allows your vehicle to track and manage coolant levels. Located in the engine’s cooling system, it is connected by a small hose. The hose sends extra coolant as required when the cooling system is pressurized. As the vehicle cools, the hose allows coolant to flow back to the reservoir. Depending on the age of your Mercedes, you might actually have a coolant level sensor that will warn you when coolant levels are low. Otherwise, you want to be familiar with signs your coolant reservoir is faulty.

Signs Your Coolant Reservoir is Failing

There are a few common signs that indicate your coolant reservoir is failing including:

  • Constantly low on coolant: If you find you are constantly refilling your reservoir, it could be it is cracked or has a leak. Because a compromised reservoir can also cause the coolant to evaporate, you might not notice actual leaking. As well, leaks can be quite small, so also not as noticeable. The need to refill the reservoir often is a sign you should get it checked. It can also get expensive having to replace your coolant so often.
  • Coolant leaks: A blue liquid in your driveway or parking spot is a sign of coolant leaks. Again, cracks or breaks can allow the coolant to leak, leaving the tell-tale blue pool behind.
  • Engine overheating: Because coolant helps manage engine temperature, if your engine overheats, this could be a sign your coolant system isn’t doing its job. This could be due to a failing coolant reservoir. Issues can include the coolant not being able to contain the coolant or not properly pressurizing the system. Even if it isn’t the cooling system, an overheating engine is never good. Always see your repair shop as soon as possible before serious damage can occur. If you notice steam coming from your hood or below the fender, this is a sign of overheating.
  • Warnings: If your temperature gauge is in the red area or reaching the “H” level it’s time for a diagnosis at your service center. You should also call for an appointment if you see your low/check coolant warning light is on.
  • Sweet smell: Coolant is blue in color but also has a very distinctive sweet smell. If you smell something sweet either just when you shut the engine off, or when it is running, it could be a coolant issue.

Keep in mind a damaged coolant reservoir can lead to far more serious costly issues so they should never be ignored.

Why You Should Check Your Coolant Levels

A cracked or leaking coolant reservoir can cause your engine to overheat. If you experience low coolant levels due to a failing reservoir it can cause internal engine damage. However, leaking coolant or steam caused by the failing system can interfere with the proper function of your electrical components. All of these issues are serious and require immediate attention. More importantly, they can interfere with safe driving.

The damage caused by a faulty coolant reservoir is not only dangerous but also very costly. You want to protect your Mercedes from serious damage so you should always react quickly if you think you might have a faulty coolant reservoir. The sooner you have things assessed, the better as you’ll avoid costly damage and can get your car back on the road safely.

If you are worried about your coolant reservoir, our technicians can help you determine if it needs repair or replacement. Schedule your appointment with us today.