Autoscope Will Remain Open We're taking extraordinary measures to safeguard the safety of our employees and customers. We value our customers and employees and trust that they will have confidence in our ability to keep them safe. As an alternative to bringing your...
10 Important Reasons to Follow Your Audi’s Service Schedule
While it can seem innocent to procrastinate on taking your Audi in for routine maintenance, there are many reasons that you should set and keep scheduled services to keep your it in the best shape possible. Here are 10 important reasons that you should stay on top of...
Why Choose an Independent Auto Shop Over the Dealer?
Autoscope - A compelling independent auto shop alternative to the dealer. Over the years, much has been written and discussed in many forums about the pros and cons of independent (non-dealer) automotive repair facilities versus dealers. Traditionally, the independent...
BMW Battery Replacement – Why register a new BMW battery?
An often misunderstood and unappreciated point when it comes to replacing the battery in modern, late-model BMW's is that the new battery has to be "registered" or matched to the onboard ECU for proper operation and battery longevity. You may be wondering why this is...
How to know when to replace motor mounts
Time to replace motor mounts on your car? Worn engine mounts might be causing those vibrations. How do you know if your car needs new engine mounts? There are various methods of determining whether or not your engine mounts are in need of replacement, but here are 5...
Memorial Day 2018
Memorial Day 2018 Happy Memorial Day 2018, everybody! A quick announcement following this special message to our customers... First and foremost, Happy Memorial Day Weekend! We know many of you will be taking advantage of the long weekend to enjoy the holiday by...
New 2018 Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo Turbo
Clark Griswold, eat your heart out... Spotted at Autoscope: a brand new Panamera Sport Turismo! And it's the Turbo model, no less... Family Truckster it is not. Here's the latest from our IG (you should definitely follow us @AutoscopeDFW, by the way...). As the finest...
Meet the man who just bought first Bugatti Chiron in Dallas
Mayur Shree of Dallas has become the first in the city to purchase a $3.2M Chiron. The buying process wasn't merely walking into the nearest dealer's showroom and signing on the dotted line, though... First Bugatti Chiron in...
Rolls-Royce Chair? Rolls Dealer Displays $52K Desk Chair
"Putting a $52,000 Armchair In a Dealership Showroom is a Very Rolls-Royce Thing To Do" - The Rolls-Royce of Desk Chairs. A new chair invented by Dr. David Wickett that aims to kick luxury seating into high gear. It's called the Elysium-R and the piece describes it...
The next flood caused by Harvey? Flood-Damaged Cars
Flood-Damaged Cars: Consumer advocates nationwide all agree that we can expect a stream of flood-damaged cars to enter the general vehicle market in the upcoming months after the hurricanes in Puerto Rico, Florida, and here in Texas. Beware the coming flood of...
Safe Fall Driving – What to check for before your fall road trip
Fall is here and for many of us, that means it's time for a fall road trip. The leaves are turning across the country and they make wonderful scenery on your fall road trip while you drive to your destination, but these beautiful leaves are potentially hazardous to...