Poor fuel pressure in your BMW, Audi, Mercedes or Porsche can dramatically affect the performance that you’re used to in your vehicle and lead to long-term damage if left without diagnosis and repair by a trained European car mechanic. A bad fuel pressure regulator...
Is It Safe To Drive With A Misfiring Engine?
It can be frustrating to figure out what’s wrong with your vehicle and what the severity of the issue really is, even before taking it to your trusted auto service shop. The daunting feeling that comes with vehicle malfunctions is certainly true when you experience...
What Are The Differences Between Lean And Rich Mixtures In An Internal Combustion Engine?
There’s a delicate balance to strike when it comes to optimal performance in your European vehicle’s engine. This means that it’s important to keep tabs on the air and fuel levels when your engine is working. When levels are too low or too high, this is referred to as...
3 Things Not To Do During Winter Driving
Don't get left out in the cold! Winter driving can be perilous! You can avoid dangerous situations, expensive repairs, and other problems this winter by following this advice. Here are three things not to do during winter driving: 1. Do Not use your cruise control...
How To Choose an Extended Warranty For Your Car
All About 3rd-Party Extended Warranties So, you hear radio/TV commercials or dealer sales pitches on the merits of buying a “worry-free” Extended Warranty for your aging vehicle... You're considering an extended warranty for your car. You hear that you can take your...
BMW Battery Replacement – Why register a new BMW battery?
An often misunderstood and unappreciated point when it comes to replacing the battery in modern, late-model BMW's is that the new battery has to be "registered" or matched to the onboard ECU for proper operation and battery longevity. You may be wondering why this is...
What is hydroplaning?
Hydroplaning 101 If you want to understand what hydroplaning is, here is everything you need to know about this phenomenon so that you can take to the road safely, and confidently, no matter the weather conditions. Written by: Bradley Hayes Automotive Blogger &...
5 Myths of Dealership Service
5 Myths of Dealership Service Just because they sold the car doesn't mean they are the best place to service it. Written by: Bradley Hayes Automotive Blogger & Director of Marketing, Autoscope European Car Repair There is a common misperception that the dealership...
What Color Coolant For Your European Car?
Think all types of car engine coolant are the same? You could be setting yourself up for a major headache. Does antifreeze color matter? Are there different types of antifreeze? Differences in the various types of coolant (or "antifreeze") run far deeper than just...
Ask the Experts: Why Get a Pre Purchase Inspection?
Don't buy without a "PPI"! Before you buy a used car, especially any pre-owned European car, be sure to take it to a qualified automotive shop so that a professional auto technician can perform a "pre-purchase inspection" on it first! Why get a pre-purchase...