It’s no secret your car has thousands of working parts. Each part plays its own role and undergoes its fair share of wear and tear. However, each part is also dependent on the others and if something goes wrong in one area it can quickly lead to a domino effect. That’s why car maintenance is so important. Your auto service appointments help ensure all your car’s parts are functioning properly.

In turn, less strain is placed across the entire vehicle. One of the most important maintenance checks is automatic transmission service. Here is an overview of these auto service appointments and why you need them.

What is Car Transmission?

Your car transmission is important because it works with your engine. It actually provides power to your wheels and tires, playing a key role in your car’s safe operation and overall performance. Your transmission’s job is to match your engine’s output with the speed you are driving as well as the load conditions of the car. It uses multiple gears to set the car in motion according to your needs. It transmits engine power depending on the type of wheel drive you have. So for rear-wheel-drive cars, it uses the rear axle and for front-wheel-drive cars, it uses the front axle.

Manual Versus Automatic Transmission

If you have an automatic transmission, it shifts the car into different gears based on your speed. It has an oil pan with the transmission fluid and fluid filter that responds as you change gears or speeds. On the other hand, if you have a manual transmission, the fluid is contained in a case. When there are issues with transmission fluid, it affects automatic and manual transmission differently:

  • Automatic transmission: The transmission tends to slip before eventually failing.
  • Manual transmission: The transmission most likely becomes noisier as the internal parts wear out quickly and eventually fail.

Regardless of what type of transmission you have, transmission service is important.

What is Transmission Fluid?

Transmission fluid supports the transmission system by keeping it clean, cool, and well lubricated. It also transmits force and pressure, so the system works. As a result, clean transmission fluid at proper levels is vital. As well, each manufacturer has a different automatic transmission fluid. Therefore be sure to visit an auto service shop that won’t inadvertently substitute transmission fluids. The wrong transmission fluid can interfere with the operation of the vehicle.

What Affects My Transmission Performance?

There are many different things that can affect transmission performance including:

  • Condition of the transmission fluid
  • Driving habits
  • Towing or excessive loads
  • Operating conditions
  • Frequency of regular maintenance

By following road rules and maintaining regular auto service appointments you can reduce wear and tear on your transmission.


How Do I Tell If I Have Transmission Issues?

Signs of transmission issues include:

  • Slipping
  • Difficulty running the vehicle
  • Stalling on steep inclines
  • Check Engine light message
  • Noisy transmission
  • Hesitation
  • Bucking
  • Difficulty shifting

If you notice any of these signs, schedule an appointment with your auto repair service right away.

What is Involved in Automatic Transmission Service?

An automatic transmission fluid service basically replaces the pan gasket, filter, and transmission fluid. However, not all vehicles require service or replacement of their transmission filters, because some are sealed. Your owner’s manual will tell you if you have a sealed system, but your auto repair service will also know. The steps involved in your automatic transmissions service typically includes:

  • Draining the transmission fluid
  • Installing a new pan gasket and filter as required
  • Adding manufacturer-approved oil/fluid for your transmission
  • Checking for leaks

A good auto repair shop will also perform a test drive to ensure it operates smoothly.

How Often Do I Need Automatic Transmission Service?

For the most part, a car should get a transmission service every 40,000 miles or so. However, if you notice signs your transmission is struggling, or you notice any fluid underneath the car, set up an inspection as soon as possible. To optimize performance regular transmission fluid changes work well. They also extend the service life of your transmission.

What Happens if I Don’t Get Automatic Transmission Service?

Transmission fluid services are considered part of regular car maintenance. When you fail to book regular automatic transmission service you can decrease the life of your transmission. This can lead to costly transmission repair or replacement. In fact, transmission failures are often caused by overheating. Regular transmission fluid changes can help avoid this issue.

To ensure your transmission is operating at peak performance, schedule your appointment at one of our three locations today! Contact us online here.